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Sacred Places


As light as the softest whisper
evening stars spill
their light into
the darkness.

Your name echos down
the corridor of time,
pulling me into
the magic
of this moment..

I remember places
of ageless beauty,
and everlasting play,
of loving and giving.

Shadowed hills, gentle breezes,
the tantalizing
scent of Jasmine...
sounds of your voice,
catch me unaware.

Through the blackhole of time
our lives have intertwined,
crossing and weaving
creating a pattern of love,
of understanding.

When we are apart, chaos
and confusion dominate
our being.

We are the gypsies
of the universe, solitude
is our only companion.

Yet, I see reflections
of an innocent age,
when loving was new.

As the lazy autumn moon
weaves its' way across the sky,
I wait for you, till spirit
once again brings us home.


Kay Ekwall
copyright, l998


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Web Design and poetry copyright by Kay E. Ekwall 2009, use only by permission by request