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The Moon Speaks of Love

And why do you worship me so,
  my darlings. I am but a silvery globe      
    floating......in the sky.        
Why doest the vision of me cast a glow
  that makes your hearts flutter so?      
Do you not know that love comes from
  within your own breasts?        
My sweet friends, I shine from my
  heavenly perch, and cast light to the      
earth....and I also cast my shadows
  which hides your own darkness.      
I feel your thoughts winging ...
through the night. Thoughts of sweetness,
    of desire. 
They float on the wind,

and touch everyone...
  as light as a whisper.        
Would'st there be only a time, we could talk
  you and I, what you tell me?        
Could you share the emotions of love
  with this cold orb, so that I might      
feel Venusians energies spreading the germ
  of life through my being which you      
    so take for granted.
And I, could show you the view of the
  heavens, the beauty of your sweet earth      
the azure blue of the water, viridian of the
  green, growing plants.......white      
fluffy clouds, playing hide and seek with
  you .....and me.        
I would tell you of the love your God
  had for you to create this garden,        
the grand design planned for your lives,
  a dream, cast upon the soil, to germinate and       
    come to fruition.
We are a part of each other, you and me.
I would tell you......beloved ones,
not to take each other, your earth, anything
for granted...spread your love, as I
spread my light....for your love is so much
more...and I can only reflect it....
Show your light to all who can see...
and the earth will change so beautifully.


Kay Elaine Ekwall©1999


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Web Design and poetry copyright by Kay E. Ekwall 2009, use only by permission by request