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Be Kind Day


 Everyone needs, just once in awhile
       to do something special that makes them smile.

With each one it's different, that's easy to see,
       what makes you happy, is not the same for me.

For some, it is sipping expresso, sitting in a cafe,
        greeting dear friends, to hearten your day.

With others it may be a walk in the park,
        or time with a cherished one, just for a lark.

Old movies and books are such great escapes
        from pressures of life that take you away.

Music can enter the depths of your soul,
        healing emotions and making you whole.

And, then there's the ocean, watching the view
        as the tides ebb, thinking things through.

It could be lying in a meadow, clouds floating by
        seeing pink elephants, rainbows, or butterflies.

Special moments holding hands with someone you love,
       or a spiritual experience sent from angels above.

Here's something to ponder through and through
       for no one can do this for you, but you.

So many holidays, there are that we see,
        but there should be one that's "Be Kind To Me".



Kay Ekwall©1998

Index of Poems, Songs and Short Stories

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Web Design and poetry copyright by Kay E. Ekwall 2009, use only by permission by request