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The Red Circle and the Blue Curtain


When the light starts to dim
We take the stage
We don’t know exactly
What we will do

We don’t know exactly
Where we will go
Or ‘who’ we will be

We start our dance
We play with the light
We turn with the music
And join in the song

Our passions explode
Into glorious flight
Or implode as …we
Collapse into ourselves

The stage, itself
Becomes a living thing
Not sure how to support us
It opens, then closes, lingering

When will this dance end?
When did it begin?
Where will life take us?
We step into the red circle
From behind the blue curtain

And we start….once again


Kay Ekwall
May 9, 2015

this poem was inspired by a dance on 'Ted' Talks with

Bill T. Jones: The dancer, the singer, the cellist ... and a moment of creative magic


Index of Poems, Songs and Short Stories

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Web Design and poetry copyright by Kay E. Ekwall 2009, use only by permission by request